
We work with a wide range of primary and secondary schools, charities, Town Councils and County Councils, and community groups to deliver environmental education projects, events, actions and more. A selection of testimonials are outlined below.

Axminster Primary Academy
Mrs Claire Hulbert
Head of School, Axminster Community Primary Academy. axminster.acornacademy.org

"I wanted to write to thank Little Green Change for the fantastic ongoing work that you do with us at school to promote caring for the environment and helping us develop our eco education.

Activities in this academic year include:
1) Benefitting from donations to the Christmas Children's Give and Take event in December 2023.
2) Daffodil and crocus bulb planting in Autumn 2023 and Autumn 2024.
3) British wildlife whole school assembly in February 2024.
4) The introduction of donated bird boxes in February 2024.
5) Willow planting in March 2024, with a view to turning this into a willow tunnel as it grows.

Our school has three hundred children - many of whom live in flats and have no access to gardens of their own, so school is really important in providing these opportunities. Little Green Change have been pivotal in helping us to begin to harness the power of our site through gardening, encouraging wildlife and educational assemblies.

The impact of this is that our community now have a much better understanding of our natural ecosystems and are working to encourage wildlife, including insects, into our grounds and their home environments. Our school looks wonderful with all the springtime bulbs - the children have loved being a part of this planting project and many have now found a new love of gardening. The willow is already having an impact in reducing a previous flood area and in time will create a fantastic new play space for the children.

Our Eco council have been inspired by this work and are now feeling even more encouraged to continue this work. Thank you Little Green Change - we have seen lots of little green changes making a great big change in our school!"

Axminster Community Primary Academy working with Little Green Change
The Woodroffe School logo
Mr Mike Holding
Head of Careers, The Woodroffe School. woodroffeschool.org

"I want to wholeheartedly thank Little Green Change for the ongoing work and support you are giving Woodroffe with regards to eco education and biodiversity. The company clearly cares about the environment and helps foster a love for nature with our students, staff and wider community.

Activities that have been carried out in this academic year include:
1) Crocus bulb planting with our school's gardening group in November 2023.
2) 'Careers in biodiversity' speaker talk and presentation in March 2024, as part of National Careers Week.
3) 2 x student work experience placements during our school's work experience week.
4) Involvement in a local hedgerow education and surveying project in May 2024.

Woodroffe has over 1000 students. They come from a range of different towns/villages across a diverse geographical area. By partnering with Little Green Change, we have been able to make a difference to these students’ lives. This has happened both educationally, and also literally, with the spring bulbs that have blossomed around the site.

We are excited to take part in further projects as time goes by and look forward to seeing what other ‘Little Green Changes’ can be brought to the school."

The Woodroffe School
Chickerell TC
Tara Willians
Facilities Manager, Chickerell Town Council. www.chickerelltowncouncil.co.uk

“The Town Council wishes to sincerely thank Little Green Change for the support that has been given to provide a range of community projects within Chickerell that not only benefit local children and adults by providing free environmental education opportunities but it has also helped to make biodiversity improvements to the town.

Following a residents’ survey relating to the management of the Council’s open spaces, improving wildlife habitat was considered the number one priority. This led to successful family fun projects being held in conjunction with Little Green Change, including an Easter seed sowing session, the creation of a community tree orchard via a Tree Council grant application plus the Chickerell Community Crocus Challenge where 5,000 bulbs were planted in just 2 hours! These projects not only provided an opportunity for the community to become directly involved but Little Green Change took the lead on promoting the vital role in maintaining an ecological balance through hands-on learning.

There are more projects in the pipeline and we look forward to working with Little Green Change in the future to make Chickerell a little greener for future generations.”

Little Green Change working with Chickerell Town Council.
Weldmar Hospicecare logo
Sandra Francis
Weldmar Counsellor, Weldmar Hospicecare. www.weldmarhospicecare.org

“Weldmar Hospicecare were privileged to work with Little Green Change last year to both improve the gardens of our Inpatient Unit and to engage with young people in our local community. The gardens are an important part of the welcoming, reflective and healing environment of our hospice for patients, their families and for staff.

Clare at Little Green Change sourced spring bulbs that would provide nectar for early insects, she invited young people from local secondary schools to get involved in planting the snowdrop, daffodil and bluebell bulbs, and organised the event on the day.

The planting event itself was a great opportunity to both engage the young people in conversations about the environment but also to share why they had volunteered on the day and their experiences and knowledge of Weldmar’s care.

Clare’s enthusiasm and drive are an inspiration and she shows what can be done in our community to really make a difference.”

Little Green Change working with Weldmar Hospicecare

A selection of testimonials for our Biodiversity in Schools Project are shown below.


We're proud to have won the Green/Eco Business of the Year Award at the Jurassic Business Awards 2024, the Green/Eco Award at the West Dorset Gold Business Awards 2024, a Judges' Choice award at the UK StartUp Awards 2024 South-West, and a Sustainable Business Award 2024 from Litter Free Dorset. Our Founder and Director, Clare, won a BBC Devon Make a Difference Award (Green Award category) in 2024 for her work leading Little Green Change. We were also finalists at the The Small Awards 2024, and The Good Small Business Awards 2024.

What the award judges say

"I read the entry and was so impressed by this non-profit social enterprise that educates children about the environment through talks, competitions, projects and so much more. Initiatives like this are so important - I would ask everyone to think if they could help this winner in some way by volunteering, donating or sponsoring, so they can continue offering, for no cost, these services to local state schools.“

Jurassic Business Awards logo
Jurassic Business Awards 2024.

We're accredited members of Social Enterprise UK, and Dorset Climate Action Network

Social Enterprise UK, and Dorset CAN logos

Little Green Change Ltd is a non-profit social enterprise, incorporated in England and Wales. Company number 14942165. Copyright © Little Green Change Ltd, 2024