Biodiversity in Schools

Plants for pollinators bed creation, October 2024
Planting at Ide Primary School.

Our Biodiversity in Schools Project delivers free class and whole school assemblies and biodiversity improvements across state-funded primary and secondary schools in Devon, Dorset, and South-West Somerset, thanks to funding from The Nineveh Trust.

Biodiversity improvements on school grounds can include wildlife habitats such as bird boxes, insect hotels, and water habitats; tree, orchard or hedgerow planting; wildflower planting; the creation of new pollinator and child-friendly plant beds; and native bulb planting. Not sure which biodiversity changes will suit your school? Don't worry. We have an easy to complete, free biodiversity audit form for participating schools.

Testimonials from a selection of schools that have taken part in this project can be found below.

If you are interested in registering for a free assembly, contact us.

Our biodiversity assemblies include:

British wildlife

British wildlife lesson, Little Green Change


Trees lesson, Little Green Change


Hedgerows lesson, Little Green Change

Plants for pollinators

Plants for pollinators primary asssembly, opening slide, June 2024

Careers in biodiversity

Careers in biodiversity lesson, Little Green Change

Suitable for secondary schools

Our Biodiversity in Schools Project actions in 2024 included:

trees and bulbs planted
participating schools
% of schools recommend us

Project feedback

Assembly choice: British wildlife.

"I would like to thank you again for the great assembly; spending time with our Eco Team and supporting us with our pond. It’ll make a big difference! I’ve passed on your information to other schools in the Trust."

Did the children enjoy the assembly? "Yes. Lots of children have come up to me afterwards including the Wildlife Champions inspired."
Did the children learn anything new as a result of the assembly? "Yes. I also learnt that Sloe worms aren’t snakes! They didn’t know about the bird boxes with perches being bad. They enjoyed learning about hedgehog homes and the grey squirrel."
Would you recommend this assembly to another school interested in learning about British wildlife? "Yes."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Yes."
St Michael's Primary Academy, Exeter, logo
Mrs Bone
Deputy Headteacher, St Michael's CE Primary Academy, Exeter.
Assembly choice: Plants for pollinators.

"Thank you so much for coming in today! It was really interesting and lots of the children were discussing the assembly during the afternoon when we were planting the flowers. We would definitely love to take you up on more opportunities!"

Did the children enjoy the assembly? "Yes."
Did the children learn anything new as a result of the assembly? "Yes. Which animals are pollinators, which plants to plant, the importance of wildlife for certain lifecycles."
Would you recommend this assembly to another school interested in plants for pollinators? "Yes, for older years."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Yes."
Heathcoat Primary School
Miss Kneller
Year 4 Teacher, Heathcoat Primary School, Tiverton.
Assembly choice: Plants for pollinators.

"Thank you so much for the assembly. The children were really engaged and enjoyed it. They were excited about knowing there is only one type of honey bee in Britain. They also found it very interesting that bats help pollinate as well.""

Did the children enjoy the assembly? "Yes."
Did the children learn anything new as a result of the assembly? "Yes."
Would you recommend this assembly to another school interested in plants for pollinators? "Yes, most definitely."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Would like to, yes."
Musbury Primary School logo
Mr Greeley
Class 2 Teacher, Musbury Primary School, Musbury.
Assembly choice: British wildlife.

"I think this assembly is a great way to have students learn/reinforce/discuss local animals, their habitats, and how their schools can help ensure habitats are safe for local animals to be around school. This connected to the students personally (adding bird boxes to the school) and connected in some way to their learning in science throughout the year (animals and their habitats/local animals and their habitats)."

Was the assembly content engaging? "Yes. Students were engaged in the assembly and were interested in the topic."
Was the assembly content informative? "Yes."
Would you recommend this assembly to another school interested in British wildlife? "Yes."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Yes."
Axminster Primary Academy
Mrs Gurd
Year 5/6 Teacher, Axminster Community Primary Academy, Axminster.
Biodiversity task: Bulb planting.

“The children were engaged and enthusiastic throughout. They learnt many practical skills about bulb planting including the best places to plant, how deep, when they flower, and much more! It has added huge value to our curriculum work and ethos to have yet another fantastic visit from Little Green Change. Thank you!"

Did the children enjoy this session? "Yes."
Did the children learn anything new as a result of this session? "Yes."
Would you recommend this session to another school interested in biodiversity and/or bulb planting? "Yes."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Yes."
Alice Purcell
Headteacher, Ide Primary School, Exeter.
Biodiversity task: Bulb planting.

“[The children] learnt how to plant bulbs, how they will grow. They learnt all about different insects, soil safety and the environment. Fantastic and enriching. Absolutely loved it.”

Did the children enjoy this session? "Yes."
Did the children learn anything new as a result of this session? "Yes."
Would you recommend this session to another school interested in biodiversity and/or bulb planting? "Yes."
Are you likely to use the services of Little Green Change again in the future? "Yes."
Mrs Harper
Teaching Assistant, St Peter’s CE Junior School, Tavistock.

Thank you to the following organisations for funding our Biodiversity In Schools Project in 2024:

Biodiversity in Schools Project funders 2024

If you are a secondary-aged school based in the UK, you can also access all our Schools Programme resources for free. Check out our education page for more information.


We're proud to have won the Green/Eco Business of the Year Award at the Jurassic Business Awards 2024, the Green/Eco Award at the West Dorset Gold Business Awards 2024, a Judges' Choice award at the UK StartUp Awards 2024 South-West, and a Sustainable Business Award 2024 from Litter Free Dorset. Our Founder and Director, Clare, won a BBC Devon Make a Difference Award (Green Award category) in 2024 for her work founding and leading Little Green Change. We were also finalists at the The Small Awards 2024, and The Good Small Business Awards 2024.

We're accredited members of Social Enterprise UK, and Dorset Climate Action Network

Social Enterprise UK, and Dorset CAN logos

Little Green Change Ltd is a non-profit social enterprise, incorporated in England and Wales. Company number 14942165. Copyright © Little Green Change Ltd, 2024